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Qalendar Concious 
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Tazkara Qalendar Baba Aulia 
Rang O Roshni Say Ilaj   
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Roohani Namaz   
Janat Kee Sair   
Tazkira Baba Tajuddin   
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Mohammad Ur RasoolAllah Pt. 1
Mohammad Ur RasoolAllah Pt. 2
Andaar Ka Musaffir
Nazriya Rango Noor
Allah Rakhi
Auto Bio Khawaja Shamsuddim Azeemi
Aik-Sau-Aik Auliya Allah Khawateen
Telepathy Seekhiye
Rohani Daak 1
Rohani Daak 2
Rohani Daak 3
Rohani Daak 4
Khwab Aur Tabeer
Shahrah E Loh O Qalam
Shaytan Ke Sawane Umri
Mehboob Baghal Main
Mohammad Ur RasoolAllah Pt. 3
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Mann Ki Dunya
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Color Therapy
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Hamaray Bachay 2
Hazrat Adam AS
Hazrat Mosa 1
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Qudrat Ki Space
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Time Space
Zaat Ka Irfaan
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Upto Date 3/12/2025   

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Azeemia Roohani Library 

Alshaikh Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi

We are pleased to Introduce Spiritual Education to the whole world and pray to God for our success and give us motivation to give all the people of world to get awareness about themselves and Specially of Almighty God.

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Qalander Concious
BODY AND SOUL - Lecture No. 1

by Alshaikh Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi

For three decades Khawja shams-ud-Din Azeemi is striving to equip us with insight and vision to view the universe in its real perspective. His every effort is aimed at the spreading of his message that cognition of the soul is the only way to cognize our Lord Creator and realization of hidden potentialities of the soul is essential for peaceful living in harmony with nature.

This is first lecture which we are presenting to our viewer who want to know their soul or wanted to know more about spiritual sciences, any question regarding this lecture will be highly appreciated.(Azeemia Roohani Library Online)

Rang O Roshni Say Ilaj  

Asmani Rang Kiya Hai? (Rang O Roshni Say Ilaj)

by Alshaikh Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi

Qalander Shaoor

Qalendar Shaoor (Urdu)

by Alshaikh Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi

Tazkara Qalendar Baba Aulia
Irshadat of Hazoor Qalendar Baba Aulia

by Alshaikh Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi

Sada Shugan Mastani

Sada Shugan Mastani

by Monus Khan Azeemi

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